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Computer-assisted learning in HR training, how it works

Hello, fellow HR fans! You’re going to love what we have to say if you’re like us and like coming up with fresh ideas to spice up your HR training sessions. We will discuss Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) and how it is transforming the way human resources train employees and support team development. Let’s see how it works and why it’s so important for HR!

What is Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)?

CAL (Computer-assisted learning) means using digital tools to help with training programs. It’s like mixing traditional training with the magic of technology. This includes things like interactive courses, virtual classrooms, and fun quizzes.

What are the benefits of using computers for HR training in your company?

Technology has made it easier to train employees using computers. Computer-based instruction turns laptops, tablets, and cellphones into mobile classrooms that provide course materials whenever and wherever needed. This approach benefits the organization in several ways and offers additional learning opportunities. Both the company and the learners benefit from computer-based HR training. The following are some significant advantages that computer-based HR training can provide your company.

The positive impact

Using computer-based HR training helps both the company and its employees. Here’s the reason:

  • It helps you save money. Organizing a regular HR training event for a company can be expensive. You might need to rent a place for the event, and if many employees come from far away, you’ll also have to pay for their hotels, meals, and travel. There is also the cost of employing someone to lead HR training, as well as the materials used.  Plus, when employees are at HR training, they aren’t doing their regular work, which also costs the company. All these costs go away when you use computer-based HR training. Once a course is made, it can be used over and over for as many students as needed, which saves money.
  • It keeps work going. In traditional HR training, workers need to take a day or more off to attend, which can cost money. With computer HR training, many people can take the course quickly, and they spend less time away from their regular tasks. In traditional HR training, at least one person has to give up a full day’s work to teach, plus they need time to prepare.
  • It’s adaptable and easy to fit into schedules. ELearning lets workers finish HR training at their speed, whenever it suits them. This kind of HR training lets learners review parts of the course as often as they want. When the information is on phones and tablets, learning can happen anywhere. This adaptability and ease make it more likely that people will finish the courses.
  • It helps create a more skilled team.HR training on computers gives learners quick feedback. Problems and errors can be fixed right away, instead of waiting for a full review at the end. Trying different solutions to an issue until the right one is found helps students better understand the content. The outcome is workers who are much more ready to do their tasks. A ready worker does a good job and positively shows their company. A lot of big companies and businesses have started using computer HR training. It’s a great time for companies that haven’t switched yet to start using computer-assisted HR training. There’s proof now that computer-assisted HR training is better for companies and saves money compared to old-style classroom training.

Here’s an easy-to-understand outline of its workings:

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): Your training center

An LMS is like a central place where all your training materials and activities are stored and managed. It makes it simple and effective for you to plan and conduct team training. Let’s start by discussing learning management systems (LMS). These are versatile tools that help us make, give out, and monitor training materials in one spot.

Make courses: You can create courses filled with videos, quizzes, and interactive parts.

Check progress: Quickly find out who has finished which parts and who might need a reminder to complete their lessons.

Test knowledge: Use quizzes and assignments to check what people have learned directly on the platform.


Moodle: Ideal for those who like to customize and want many add-ons.

SAP Litmos: Good for businesses that need simple connections with other systems.

Blackboard: Easy to use and full of features for both small groups and big organizations.

  1. Online Course Modules: study at your own pace

Next, is e-learning modules. These are online courses that can be taken at any time and from any location.  They’re very useful for busy workers who need flexible learning options.

Interactive content: Visualize movies, games, and tests that make learning enjoyable and fascinating.
Self-paced: You can learn at your own speed and revisit any sections you want to review.
Assessments: There are regular assessments to ensure that you are grasping the lectures.


Onboarding: When new employees join a company, they can learn about the company’s rules, culture, and their job through fun online lessons.

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Simulations: Safe hands-on learning

Have you ever desired to do a challenging task without concern for failure? VR and simulations can help with it.They provide a realistic learning experience with no real-world hazards.

Role-playing: Great for practicing things like dealing with customers or solving problems.

Safety training: You can learn how to handle dangerous situations in a virtual world, so no one gets hurt.


Emergency response: VR can help emergency workers practice for different kinds of disasters in a safe, controlled setting.

  1. Turning learning into a game

Why should HR training be boring? Gamification turns learning into an enjoyable and competitive game-like experience.

  • Earn points and badges: Completing tasks earns you points and badges.
  • Leaderboard: Check your position in a friendly competition against your friends.
  • Challenges and rewards: As you advance, take on challenges and win rewards.


  • Sales Training: Sales teams can play in scenarios where they get points for showing their product knowledge and sales skills.
  1. Live Online Learning: Interactive classes

Webinars and virtual classrooms are ideal for live, interactive computer-assisted learning. No matter where you are, they bring the classroom to your computer.

  • Real-time interaction: Real-time involvement includes Q&A sessions, surveys, and live conversations.
  • Available recordings: Did you miss the live event? It’s alright. You have the flexibility to watch the recording whenever it works for you.
  • Virtual learning environments: Take part in online debates and activities in the same way you would in a traditional classroom.

Some examples are:

  • Diversity and Inclusion training: Participate in a live, online course to learn about and debate strategies for creating an inclusive work environment. You can access the recording whenever it’s most convenient for you.
  1. Mobile Education: On-the-go instruction

In today’s bustling environment, mobile learning is vital. It makes learning flexible and simple by enabling employees to access training materials on their phones or tablets.

  • Mobile-friendly content: Lessons are designed to display well on smartphones and tablets, which have smaller screens.
  • Microlearning: Brief instruction that works well for in-between sessions.
  • Push Notifications: Help you remember things and keep on track by getting updates and reminders straight to your device.

As an illustration:

  • Traveling Workers: When salespeople are traveling, they can use their phones or tablets to finish training lessons during breaks from meeting with clients.
  1. Smart Computers (AI) and Personalized Learning: Tailored education and training for every individual

AI isn’t only for science fiction films.AI and adaptive learning adapt the HR training experience to meet the needs of each employee.

  • Personalized suggestions: AI recommends resources and courses based on how you perform and how you like to learn.
  • Changing tests: The difficulty of tests changes based on your answers, ensuring you’re always challenged at the right level.
  • Specific feedback: Receive immediate, detailed feedback to help you get better.


  • Skill Gap Check: AI can look at your skills and suggest HR training parts to help you fix any weak areas.
  1. Social Learning Platforms: Learning by talking to each other

Sometimes, discussing topics can be the best way to understand them. Social learning platforms let employees easily share what they know and work together.

  • Talk areas: Join discussions, share ideas, and ask questions in areas made for talking about specific subjects.
  • Learning from others: Get knowledge from what your coworkers have done and what they know.
  • Sharing information: Give your team articles, videos, and helpful staff.


  • Working Together on Projects: Use a special website to stay in touch with your team, share news, and work better together.

Why use computers for HR training?

  • Works for big groups: Great for teaching many people in different places.
  • You choose when and where: Learn at times and places that work for you.
  • Saves money: No need to spend on travel or materials.
  • Same good training for all: Everyone gets the same great lessons, no matter where they are.
  • Keeps people interested: Use fun stuff like games and videos to keep learning exciting.
  • Uses data to improve: See how well the HR training is working and make it better.

How to get started with learning using computers?

  1. Determine what you need. What would you like to learn? Who needs to learn it?
  2. Create or find. Learning resources that are applicable to your objectives.
  3. Choose the correct tools: Determine which platforms and technologies are most appropriate for your needs.
  4. Start using it: Add the computer learning tools to your systems and begin your HR training.
  5. Help and update: Offer help and keep the materials up-to-date and useful.
  6. Check and make better: Use feedback and information to keep making your HR training better.

Be careful of these problems

  • Ensure access: Make sure that all participants have the essential tools and resources they need.
  • Keep it fun: Find ways to keep people interested, especially with learning at their own pace.
  • Mix standard and custom: Use standard methods where possible but allow for some changes to meet specific needs.
  • Protect information: Keep important information safe and secure.

Wrap up

Learning with the help of computers is changing how HR training works, making it easier to reach, more fun, and better at teaching. No matter, if you’ve been in HR for a long time or are new to it, using computer help in your HR training plan can improve things. Why not give it a shot? Your workers will be glad you did!

Have a great time training!

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