Amidst the global economic backdrop, some organizations may be fastening the locks to their new investment coffers more than ever.
And, whilst battling over budget in the organization is nothing new, when resources are limited and there's an air of uncertainty in the mix, it can be even tougher to make your case for new investment and know how to even start.
Shouting above the noise, and making a clear and compelling case for HR Tech investment can show the value of your department, and how investment can have a real benefit on your organization's bottom-line.
Investing in new HR technology can have far-reaching, positive benefits, not only for your team internally but for your business as a whole.
But creating a business case as to why your department needs a new software tool, detailing why key stakeholders should care and the real value to the business – not just ROI – can seem daunting and foreign, especially when this isn’t the day job for so many HR leaders.
What makes the situation trickier is that oftentimes HR is seen as more of a cost center and not a revenue generator, leading to bids for investment shifted down the rungs of organization priorities.
This guide from Phase 3 is a key enabler in allowing HR leaders to overcome these hurdles, providing them with the tools to understand what good (and bad) looks like in a business case for HR tech investment, and how to go about building a winning case.
Understand what your business case needs to achieve and what’s included in creating one.
Zoom in on the 7 fundamental steps for building a case for HR technology change.
Get insight into how to structure a business case presentation, including a handy worksheet to begin your business case journey with.
Know what to do after you’ve presented your business case for HR technology investment.
Look out for our future pieces from our series with Phase 3, including 4 steps to choosing the right HR software, and, How to calculate the ROI of your HR software.
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