The UNLEASH America speaker previews our upcoming show and considers what people might be discussing in the breakouts and expo.
Who is driving business value, be it financial, be it the people connection, or advancing innovations?
These are the questions to ask, as we approach our upcoming show.
We got five minutes with Alan Susi from S&P Global to think about just that. Join the conversation today.
Alan Susi, S&P Global’s head of organizational analytics and people insights, talks to UNLEASH editor Jon Kennard ahead of UNLEASH America 2023.
Even more so than 2022 or any year since the pandemic, the key to success is putting your people first. But HR still needs to be business aligned, as Alan demonstrates.
We join the conversation as the two do some all-important scene-setting…
Jon Kennard: Tell us a bit about what you might be talking about at the upcoming show.
Alan Susi: I’m going to be focusing on talking more about the people-first experience; super excited about that; it’s a core tenet of how we approach our people team at S&P Global.
And I think Dimitri Manis, our chief purpose officer, spoke at the 2022 UNLEASH America and did a fantastic job of level-setting what that is, and I’m looking forward to providing more updates on what that means and how we’re using that and data-driven insights to progress our organization forward.
JK: It’s been an interesting time, but have you found that the last couple of years has accelerated things in the right way for you, perhaps?
AS: I think so. For S&P Global, we’ve gone through a mega merger of sorts, in the middle of a pandemic, in an up and down hiring space, and a pending potential recession, as we record this.
Alan Susi, Head of Organizational Analytics & People Insights, S&P Global
I think our people-first experience has been a signal to all our people, as we go through this uncertain time that the organization is there to support them. And so it’s been great for us. And our growth has continued, which is outstanding. Our people know where they stand, what we’re focused on and where we’re going.
JK: One thing I always like to talk about at the show is what you’ve been hearing, as you walk around the expo, any themes coming out of the main stage and the breakout stages as well.
It’s difficult to predict at this point, but what do you think we’ll be hearing, if you can cast your mind forward that much…what do you think are the things that people might be talking about?
AS: I think it’s really interesting how the landscape in the technology space, across all industries, could potentially be shifting. I think what I expect to see is not as many technology concepts but [a focus on] the ones where the cream is really rising to the top.
And for me and for S&P Global thinking about who is driving business value, be it financial, be it the people connection to their business, and advancing innovations.
I think we’ll start to see a consolidation or a real refinement of focusing on business value rather than something that’s tangential or or something that might feel more ethereal in an easier to operate macroeconomic environment.
JK: I think we might be seeing people focusing on their companies’ core values and, and really driving towards what they know, in this kind of period. Just one final question, to talk about the show itself.
Dimitra, as you said, spoke at our event last year, I don’t know whether you’ve been to UNLEASH America before but if so, are you looking forward to being back, and if not: Well, welcome to Las Vegas, hey?
AS: [Laughs] Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. I actually joined the event last year. I love the energy. I love the environment. The speakers were fantastic. Peter Hinssen was outstanding. I thought Dimitra did a great job representing our S&P Global people-first agenda, and really looking forward to carrying that story and seeing the different businesses, the different vendors, the different parties and learning a lot.
I came away from that event with some great relationships, some great stakeholders and vendors that we wanted to build relationships with, and a ready attitude going into the second half of the year. So I’m looking forward to doing that again.
JK: Great. Alan for today, thanks so much for your time. I’m looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas in a couple of months time.
AS: Can’t wait to be there. Thanks.
The agenda is live! Take a look at what’s coming up at our April show – search the UNLEASH America agenda today.
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Jon has 20 years' experience in digital journalism and more than a decade in L&D and HR publishing.
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