Digital transformation: How your workplace can adapt to it
Learn how digital transformation can impact the workplace, from the benefits to its effects on employers and employees.
Why You Should Care
Companies that don’t have their finger on the pulse are going to be left behind.
Workplace digitalization is about a cultural shift; one geared toward improving employee experience.
Find out more by reading all about digital transformation beneath. A key topic at our show in Las Vegas this coming April.
From the rise of hybrid working to wide investment in cloud-based systems, the last few years have seen a real digital transformation in the workplace. But while the initial teething phase was a tempestuous transition for many, the exciting opportunities are now starting to present themselves. And companies that don’t have their finger on the pulse, are going to be left behind.
What is digital transformation in the workplace?
Effectively, digital transformation is about ‘what’s next’ rather than ‘what was.’ A companywide digital rollout, to inject and integrate digital solutions in every aspect of your business. But let’s be clear, every single company operates differently, and serves different customer types. What’s offered as a revolutionary technological fix for one, may feel like a complete burden to another.
Let’s take a practical example. There are countless rostering systems available that track employees, their daily responsibilities and their long-term targets. But usefulness is defined by the way these systems look and run. So, a complex, high-level piece of software that requires heavy admin and constant connection, would be a great fit for an IT-based company. But for a blue-collar laborer role, this anchoring to a computer, would be detrimental. That’s not to say, digital transformation in the workplace is limited to a specific industry. More that it requires research to find the right fit.
Similarly, workplace digitalization is about a cultural shift; one geared toward improving employee experience. The influx of automation, cloud-based systems, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and hybrid working have dramatically altered the modern workplace. And, with it, attitudes to how we work on a daily basis.
It’s easy to attribute this change to rapid technological growth. But this isn’t advancement for advancement’s sake, it’s a reflection of employee wants and needs. And any company that fails to amend its systems, processes and policies to reflect these stipulations, is going to suffer low productivity and high turnover. Because why would you stay with or join a company that, through lack of innovation, actively makes your working day harder?
The benefits of digital transformation
Digital transformation benefits every early adopting company that has the tenacity and wherewithal to seize it. And it basically boils down to corporate survival, improving two key fundamentals: reputation and future revenue.
By creating a self-analytical environment, which highlights aspects to improve, and then sets out to implement change, you send out a signal. A signal which is the indication of a successful, forward-looking organization; in essence, the tip of the spear that other companies strive to emulate. Businesses go out of their way to project an image of strength, resilience and drive. But what truly speaks volumes is results. And the ability to reflect, research and roll out cutting-edge digital developments is the embodiment of demonstrable thought leadership. If you’re looking for more expert thought leaders in HR and digital tranfromation – visit our speaker list for UNLEASH America 2023.
Unfortunately, all the prestige in the world is for naught, if your company isn’t bringing in decent sums of money. And a sizeable chunk of that comes from a reduction in operational costs. Sure, implementation and training can initially hit the purse, but the savings quickly become evident. Companies that utilize hybrid working, for example, no longer need to bill the same expenses for renting, purchasing or sustaining sprawling office spaces and complexes. And jettisoning outdated, unreliable tech means fewer losses and faults, and a more efficient workforce.
This also leads to improved communication, developing skillsets and more manageable workloads – resulting in increased motivation and satisfaction levels. And of course, with that, we see a surge in recruitment and overall retention strengthened – squashing overheads and saving money.
The main areas of digital transformation and their impact on the workplace
Any state of transition or evolution can feel violent and invasive. That may come across like strong language, but we’re talking about a holistic overhaul – a purging of the old and enforcing of new norms. That degree of change always has an impact.
This is because the areas focused on are so central to an organization’s core. Where even the most minimal of alterations would have far reaching effects. What’s needed is an upgrading of systems, to grease the wheels of workflow and productivity. Updating of processes and procedures, to ensure your company is operating as competitively and as proficiently as possible. And maximizing agility and flexibility, to capitalize on new developments and leaps forward.
At the heart of this is smart tech. Constructed and harnessed by external companies, new types of hardware and software are constantly being incubated and refined to improve industry efficiency. And with all this new tech, comes new training to cover the operational competencies required. But training, while a boon for the company at large, also eats into the working day. We all know a well-trained employee is a more successful employee, but all that time learning new skills detracts from day-to-day responsibilities. Multiply that across an entire business, and you can see some worrying dips in targets being met – at least, in the short term.
The impact of rolling out digital transformation strategies can be an uneasy one. There is risk, challenge and uncertainty involved. And while we can sing the praises of advancing technology and the companies that weave them into their fabric, knowing which options are reliable and future proof, takes honed business acumen. But in the right hands, the right digital transformation strategies benefit a company no end.
The impact of digital transformation on employees
It’s worth acknowledging how easy it is to lose sight of the cost of digital transformation. Not on a fiscal level, but a human one. As stated, there is a clear sense of risk and reward. The unknown, for many in established roles, can feel daunting. Working with recognizable processes for a prolonged period, only to see everything reconditioned, has the potential to overwhelm.
But what’s being created is a new employee experience. This should both energize and excite staff. Rather than cultivating a feeling of obsolescence, digital transformation is about improving your employees’ working lives. Taking what has been an arduous task and reinventing it, to reflect the user’s needs. That’s not to say familiarization and normalization are easy. Like any transition, it can take some getting used to. But with the appropriate support and a strong vision, the impact is revealed to be a positive one.
What are the latest digital transformations in the workplace?
As every company is able to optimize their performance with workplace digitalization, there are always new innovations to point to. That being said, the requirements for companies across various industries have vastly different demands and resolutions.
Virtual interaction is quickly becoming the standard. No longer sat around a single table in meeting rooms, we are hosting conferences and updates over video link. More than that, employees both in and out of the office use it as a communication tool, to stay in touch with their colleagues. Creating a digital sense of community and togetherness. And with companies like Zoom reporting their revenue up 20% year over year, the uptake doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
We’re also going to see an increase in omnichannel marketing. Because digital transformation isn’t only limited to the workplace but also the wider world. People are online more, and companies need that improved presence and priority reflected in their digital strategies.
And then there’s cybersecurity. A notable reliance on digital systems, regrettably, opens the door to further opportunities for criminals. In 2021, 1 in 2 North American internet users experienced an account breach. To keep data secure and employees protected, businesses will need to devote a significant amount of time, resources and money to digital security measures. Which means improved firewalls, phishing training and perpetually bolstered defenses. Want to know more? Here’s further reading on digital transformation and the best approach to ensure success.
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Staff writer, UNLEASH
Matt’s HR roots run deep, as he spent 15 years working for the NHS, in roles across payroll, HR and finance.
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HR Transformation
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