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May 8th / 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM PST

How Tech is Changing Employment Laws, from AI to Pay Equity

Executive Boardroom
Employment Attorney
California Employment Attorney
As we see and learn more about our organizations through computing, data, and analytics, regulators want to see too. The availability of people analytics is changing how employment laws are made. We’ve gone from simply enforcing rules through litigation to focusing on data and outcomes in crafting employment laws designed to address bias and discrimination in employer behavior.
This interactive session will discuss:
  • Regulating AI in employment decisions and how and why US states are beginning to borrow legal tools from the EU
  • Issues with the potential liability for tech companies under US discrimination laws
  • New laws promoting pay transparency and equity, including the new EU Pay Transparency Directive
  • Why legal requirements that employers monitor analytics and report data and outcomes will do more to bring changes than litigation risk.
  • New legal tools such as safe harbors to encourage employers to see and address issues.
Employment Attorney
California Employment Attorney