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Recorded on May 8th '24 / 4:00 PM to 4:35 PM PDT

HR Revolution 2024: Unleashing a Bold New Era of Transformation

Executive Vice President, People, Communications & Transformation
Baker Hughes
Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer
Chair for the Future of Work
Singularity University

The landscape of Human Resources is undergoing a monumental shift as companies globally recognize the need for a genuinely innovative approach to transformation. This panel discussion aims to deep dive into the emerging trends and strategies that shape a new way of thinking about HR transformation. The discussion will unravel the challenges companies face in transitioning to this new way of thinking, offering insights into managing resistance, ensuring ethical considerations in technology adoption, and maintaining a human-centric approach. Hear how the HR function is evolving to not just support, but actively drive business transformation. Join us on a journey into the future of HR, where we redefine what it means to transform and adapt in an ever-changing world.

Executive Vice President, People, Communications & Transformation
Baker Hughes
Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer
Chair for the Future of Work
Singularity University