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Employee Experience and Engagement
Recorded on May 8th '24 / 11:45 AM to 12:10 PM PDT

Navigating the Power Dynamics between Employers and Employees

Case Study
Senior Director, Organization Effectiveness & Change Management
Gap Inc.

As the modern workplace continues to transform, the traditional hierarchies and power structures are being redefined. Explore how these changes impact both parties and the overall organizational culture. Discover key factors driving these shifts, including technological advancements, changing workforce demographics, and evolving societal values.

  • Gain a deep understanding of the factors contributing to the changing power dynamics, such as remote work, gig economy, and employee advocacy movements.
  • Learn effective strategies for maintaining a healthy balance of power, ensuring that both employers and employees feel heard, valued, and empowered.
  • Explore how to adapt HR practices to be resilient and responsive, ensuring that the organization remains competitive and attractive to top talent in a rapidly evolving work environment.
Senior Director, Organization Effectiveness & Change Management
Gap Inc.