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Recorded on May 9th '24 / 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM PDT

Optimizing Workflows: Practical Automation Elevating Workforce Resilience, Engagement & Productivity

Director of Industrial Talent Solutions
Manager, External Workforce Management
John Deere

Yet, when employees are freed from the repetitive and mundane, when recruitment teams can look in-house to fill skills gaps, or when managers can maintain a healthy work-life balance the real, concrete results for an organization are palpable. A partnership of human talent and digital capability can be transformative. 71% of employees say automation has positively impacted business performance, and although 72% of businesses say they’ve adopted automation to some extent, data makes clear that there’s still work to be done!

Join KellyOCG at this roundtable and discover:

  • Business success stories: discover how our clients are using automation to free employees from dull, repetitive work allowing them to focus on adding more strategic value to their business.
  • How to use digital workers to gain safer and faster access to essential talent.
  • Unlocking valuable time and cost savings through automation, while improving employee experiences.
Director of Industrial Talent Solutions
Manager, External Workforce Management
John Deere