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Dr. Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts, Phd

Professor Emeritus, HEC Paris

Dr. Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts, Phd, holding two Doctorates (University of Aix-Marseille and University of California at Los Angeles) is Emeritus Professor at HEC Paris. He has been, between September 2003 and September 2008, Director of the research chair HEC-Toshiba “Nomadism and Mobile Technology” and between September 2012 and July 2015, Director of the research chair HEC-Webhelp “Human Capital and Performance”. He has taught during 27 years in all HEC programs: HEC MS in Management (Grande Ecole), HEC MBA, HEC Doctorate, HEC Executive programs. He has created and managed the MS HEC Exed Strategic HR Management. His research works focus on change management of enterprises and organizations in relationship with the digital revolution, relationships between human capital and firm performance. He has published numerous articles and more than 20 books including some of the most recent ones as co-author “l’IA au service des RH” (Dunod, September 2020) and “Le Management par la Confiance” (Eyrolles, September 2020), “Le Sens, ADN de l’entreprise responsable”, (Diateino, June 2021). He is the past President of AGRH (Francophone Association of HR Academics, 1000 members, 20 Francophone countries). He has been and is still actively involved in international consulting and training activities in more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He is, on a part-time basis, the Corporate Relations Director of FNEGE (French National Foundation for Management Education) and Special Advisor to ANVIE (corporate and academic thinktank).

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