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Strategic Talent
October 17th '24 / 11:50 AM to 12:20 PM CEST

Cultivating Leadership to Transform Organizational Value

Case Study
VP People and Organizational Development

Explore the transformative power of leadership in driving organizational value:

  • Leveraging Skills and Development: Understand how to strategically develop and utilize leadership skills to create a positive impact within your organization.
  • Tapping into Unlocked Leadership Capabilities: Discover methods to uncover and harness the hidden leadership potential within your organization.
  • Building Connected Relationships: Learn how to foster and maintain strong, connected relationships that contribute to a cohesive and effective organizational culture.
  • Leadership is a Privilege: Embrace the mindset that leadership is a privilege and a responsibility, driving leaders to perform at their highest potential.
  • From Transactional Management to Transformational Leadership: Transition from traditional management practices to a transformational leadership approach that inspires and motivates teams.
  • Leaders as Lynchwins of Organizational Culture: Recognize the critical role leaders play in shaping and sustaining a positive organizational culture.
  • Creating a Winning Environment: Implement strategies to set up organizational systems and environments that enable individuals and teams to succeed and thrive.
VP People and Organizational Development