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October 18th / 9:00 AM to 9:35 AM CEST

Geopolitics in the Post-Globalization Age: Preparing Your HR Strategy for What’s To Come

DT-Global Business Consulting

The world of work has been consumed for the last few years by unprecedented shakeups that have irrevocably changed the world of work and accelerated an extant focus on globalization. However, geopolitics and the implications for your HR strategy must now be placed firmly back onto the business agenda as we consider the ramifications of these events. The future of your children and grandchildren and the workforce of tomorrow will be impacted by the fundamental decisions you make today – so what does that mean for the Future of (their) Work? It is critical to understand what will threaten your organization – and HR at large– in the next 10 years; Russia, China, Trump, greenification, and AI are all crucial in providing a North Star for your strategic direction.

Fascism has returned to mainland Europe – how will European society deal with this? In this session, Dr. Thorniley will discuss:

  • What are the top 5 social and economic drivers in the next 10 years? (Hint: greenification and AI are two of them!)
  • As Putin’s Russia represents an existential threat, the world waits to see the Western response to China, and we continue to ponder if Trump can or will resume office, what can HR leaders expect, and how can they prepare for global shifts?
  • If the global economy is weak or headed for recession, why is the HR market so hot?
DT-Global Business Consulting