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October 13th / 1:25 PM to 1:45 PM CEST

Reforming Workplace Equity Practices with Unconscious Bias Micro-Coaching – Introducing Workhuman’s Inclusion Advisor

Product Spotlight
Senior Vice President, Client Strategy and Consulting

At Workhuman we believe in the power of technology for social good and with access to over 50 million recognition moments, saw an opportunity to study microaggressions in workplace communications.

A team of experts cataloged real moments of bias to create Inclusion Advisor, industry-first technology which identifies written unconscious bias and allows for intervention through impactful micro-coaching opportunities.

Organizations are seeing progress – by enabling Inclusion Advisor within their global recognition program, Merck provides in-the-moment micro-coaching in written recognition moments and have seen 74% of participants make changes. Now is the time to create inclusive workplaces, using recognition as the bridge to an authentic human experience.

Session outcomes:

  • Identify and mitigate unconscious bias in real time with Inclusion Advisor, an industry-first, AI-powered feature within the Workhuman Cloud®.
  • Learn how to make inclusion part of your company’s DNA
Senior Vice President, Client Strategy and Consulting