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October 17th / 2:50 PM to 3:10 PM CEST

Skills as Workforce Gold: Mining Your Untapped Talent

Product Spotlight
Employee Experience Advisory Solution Consultant
Senior Solution Consultant Employee Experience

Discover the transformative power of unleashing your employees’ untapped skills to drive engagement, motivation, and competitive advantage. In the current talent landscape, organizations must shift their focus towards managing talent supply chains and tapping into hidden potential. Overlooking untapped skills leads to decreased productivity and hinders strategy execution. Employee turnover and retention become pressing concerns as individuals feel frustrated and unfulfilled. In today’s competitive climate, organizations cannot afford to lose valuable talent due to poor employee experience. Explore the need for a new operating model that facilitates agile work deployment and preserves the supply of vital skills. 

  • Embracing talent supply chain management: Shifting focus to unlock hidden potential. 
  • The consequences of overlooking untapped skills: Decreased productivity and challenges in strategy execution. 
  • Addressing employee turnover and retention: Tapping into employees’ passions and contributions. 
  • The importance of employee experience: Retaining valuable talent in a competitive talent landscape. 
  • Building an agile operating model: Facilitating work deployment and preserving critical skills. 
Employee Experience Advisory Solution Consultant
Senior Solution Consultant Employee Experience