Join us to explore the future of people management and its implications on the people function.
In this session, we will explore a vision for the future of people management and implications for a fit-for-purpose people function. We will discuss the implications of mega-trends, such as technology (r)evolution and societal change on the opportunities to enhance “people management” within organizations. We are looking to co-create a vision for the next generation of people functions – addressing tech-enabled hyper-personalization, employee expectations, the need for “human touch”, and how to move from prior operating models such as Ulrich to the best of leader-led, EX-driven, agile, and technology-enabled models.
Join us to explore the following questions:
- What will be the role of the future of people function in an increasingly tech-enabled and fast-paced environment? How will it add value? How can it capture value from technological innovation?
- What does a fit-for-purpose future of people operating model (structure, process, people, technology) therefore look like?
- How can organizations set up for success when transitioning/transforming towards that future vision?