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Recorded on October 16th '24 / 2:45 PM to 3:35 PM CEST

The What, Why, and How of a Skills-First Organization? Is It Worth the Hype?

Vice President
Everest Group
Practice Director
Everest Group

In this dynamic environment, traditional talent acquisition and management approaches are inadequate to address the current and future challenges.

Organizations that fail to adapt risk falling behind, struggle to fill vital roles, face skill mismatches, and experience increased attrition and so on.

Conversations around skills, skills intelligence, and skills-based organization have become front and center for many organizations, but few have been able to truly master it and realize the RoI.

As the clamor around these topics rises, enterprises are seeking answers to some of the fundamental questions around this space, including the following:

  • How do we go about on our skills transformation journey?
  • What are the different types of vendors available in the market? Who are the best fit for my requirement?
  • How do I measure success of a skills-first transformation?
Vice President
Everest Group
Practice Director
Everest Group