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Jess Von Bank

Global Leader, Solution Provider Services, Mercer | Leapgen

Jess Von Bank is an 18-year industry veteran and impassioned evangelist of the modern candidate and employee experience. As both a former recruiting practitioner and an expert in bringing TA Tech and HCM vendor solutions to market, Jess looks to broaden executive mindset to better design and deliver a workforce experience that exceeds the expectations of talent and the needs of the business. 

Jess offers specialized expertise in talent acquisition, recruitment marketing, employer branding, DEI&B, brand-building, and storytelling. 

Jess is the Global Leader for Solution Provider Services with Mercer | Leapgen, still shaping the Now of Work, now as a global digital transformation company and beyond. She also runs the Now of Work, the Mercer | Leapgen global community for HR, Talent, and workforce experience professionals. 

Jess is an active community emcee, ambassador for women’s and girls’ organizations, and President of Diverse Daisies, a nonprofit for girls’ enrichment and empowerment. She lives in Minneapolis, where she races for free swag and raises her 3 daughters.  

    HR Tech and Transformation