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Reka Deak

Senior Advisor, The Josh Bersin Company

Reka is a Senior Advisor at The Josh Bersin Company and the Founder of Wellbeing Designers. In the past 15 years Reka has been working on business transformations across various industries globally. Her expertise centers on change leadership, culture, people development, and organizational well-being. As an advocate for sustainable work-life and human-centric organizations, she hosts the Wellbeing Designers podcast about inspiring wellbeing strategies of leading organizaitions worldwide. Reka’s wellbeing approach is inspired by systemic and design thinking, and her own personal wellbeing journey as a busy professional. In her work she connects the dots not only between all areas of wellbeing (physical, emotional, mental, social, financial, spiritual etc…) for a holistic approach but also between the individual and the organisational system and community. She works together with organisations at various stages on their wellbeing evolution journeys. Her goal is to integrate wellbeing into the everyday ways of working to create a wellbeing culture. Learning wellbeing skills e.g. self-awareness on workshops, non-toxic leadership behaviours and bearable workload are equally important ingredients.